Holiday Decorations
When you are a client with us in Raleigh, NC and the surrounding areas, we offer you the opportunity to order and schedule your holiday decorations too! We have an extensive variety of holiday theme packages. Trees, wreaths, garlands, and ornaments...we have it all. Not to mention, we have the most beautiful selection of locally sourced poinsettias you'll ever see! Our staff of designers is ready to meet with you to design the perfect holiday design. Be sure to arrange a consultation, so there is ample time to prepare the perfect holiday image for your business. We specialize in working with local growers to provide full-cycle poinsettia service, including installation and maintenance. No more trying to keep those poinsettias alive on your own. We are here for you! Poinsettia information will be coming at the end of summer, so keep your eyes peeled for that order form!